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Martha Robertson  is challenging NY-23 Congressman Tom Reed in next year's election.
How long will this go on? This is Day 3 of the shutdown that Congressman Tom Reed and his fellow Tea Party extremists in Congress have created. Their reckless actions are hurting Americans and threatening our fragile economic recovery. Four out of the six New York GOP members of Congress have been openly critical of this extremist strategy.

It is clear that a clean Continuing Resolution would pass the House of Representatives today, but extremists in Congress won’t allow that vote to happen.

Congressman Reed actually said he prefers a shutdown to doing his job and funding the government. This full-throated support for the shutdown reveals how ideological and partisan Congressman Reed really is, even though he tries to pretend he's a moderate when he's in the District. His irresponsible actions will continue to hurt the economy more and more each day that he puts partisan politics before the needs and interests of our district and the country.

I call on Tom Reed and Congress to stop cherry-picking 'The Program of the Day' to fund just because they've gotten bad publicity. End this destructive dysfunction and do your jobs – fund the government.

Even worse, Congressman Reed is advocating for Congress to default on the debt ceiling, which would cause far greater damage to our economy and threaten delivery of Social Security checks, Medicare payments and Veterans benefits. No Veteran or senior should have to worry that the critical benefits he or she depends on will be interrupted, or that Social Security checks won’t come.

As Chair of the Tompkins County Legislature, I have a record of bipartisanship, of hearing all voices and working together to get things done. That's how we've achieved the lowest unemployment rate in all of New York, that's how we've built affordable housing and found discounts for prescription drugs. That's the kind of problem-solving we need in Congress.

It's time for Tea Party Tom Reed to put aside partisan politics and do his Constitutional duty – fund the government. Enough already.

Martha Robertson

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