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mailmanIn her October 4 letter in the Lansing Star, Martha Robertson several times labels Congressman Tom Reed (R-Corning) and his supporters as extremist.

This use of loaded emotional and false words just shows how out of touch Martha Robertson is with the people of the 23rd congressional district.  Congressman Reed held numerous town halls across his eleven county district and the overwhelming feedback was to stand against Obamacare, which 57% of the American people don't want, against only one third favoring this law.

Robertson, elected to represent Dryden in the County Legislature, regularly steers tax rate generating projects away from Dryden to the City of Ithaca.  She rejects high paying jobs in energy and she has not properly supported jobs at the Lansing power plant.  Robertson's claim that she is bi-partisan is simply a huge joke.  Tompkins County Republicans know her as a bitter partisan and advocate of left wing causes such as restricting corporate free speech. Her October 4 letter demonstrates perfectly that she is anything but bi-partisan.

Henry S. Kramer
Town of Dryden
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