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mailmanI first met Katrina Binkewicz about 18 years ago, shortly after my husband and I moved to Lansing.  I know her to be extremely hardworking and diligent in both in her work as a teacher since 2004 and in her role as a public servant on the Lansing Town Board  from 2000 to 2003 and now in her current term.  Katrina makes values-driven decisions based on data she collects from talking to people in Lansing.  She considers all the opinions she gathers before making a decision.

Katrina comes from a small farm family background.  Raised in Marysville Ohio where her family raised beef and pursued crop farming, she understands the needs of a largely agricultural community like Lansing.  Having been a small business owner running  her own landscape design and installation firm in both Washington, DC and Lansing, Katrina also understands the needs of those Lansingites who work in other fields.

I believe the Nov. 5th election for the town board is one of the most important ones in recent memory.  Many issues such as the development of a Town Center, the re-powering of the Cayuga Power Station, and the quality of life we are likely to have in our town are facing us. We need Katrina’s experience, intelligent approach to the issues as well as her communication and listening skills to continue on the Town Board.  Please join me in voting for Katrina Binkewicz on Nov. 5th.

Marcy Rosenkrantz
Lansing, NY
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