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mailmanGay Nicholson understands that the way we manage our land and resources either reflects who we are as a community, or it demeans us. Much of Lansing is rural and wants to stay rural.

We Lansingites should be a dignified and quiet people, living in harmony with our environment, moving like specks across the landscape’s untroubled immensity. To that end, Gay Nicholson will encourage alternative energies, like solar and geothermal, that will make our lives better without threatening our great strengths: our land and water. She wants us to follow the successful example of organic and sustainable agriculture set by thriving rural communities in Tompkins County that rely on the beauty and fertility of their land, the purity of their water, and on the talents of their local residents.

Lansing’s hills and farms are not mounds of tobacco for developers to stuff in their pipes with their thumbs and burn at their pleasure. Nicholson wants us to use what we already have and who we already are to plan a future together that all of us can live with. Lansing is ours.

Gay Nicholson on the Town Board will help us work together to keep it that way.

Mario Hernandez
Lansing, NY

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