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mailmanI am writing to express my support for Neil Snyder and Kelly Smith for Groton Town Board.

I am very displeased by the lack of initiative and follow through this board has shown in the matter of hydro-fracking. Despite many attempts by Groton residents for over two years, to urge the Board to issue a moratorium on hydro-fracking - an activity which is well know to cause severe environmental and road damage - this Board appears to be doing nothing.

In addition, the current Town Board when voting on issues at meetings, appears to not have participated in any substantive discussions beforehand. Every vote the Board takes appears to be a pro-forma "aye" multiplied five times with no evidence that Board members have even discussed the issues among themselves before voting.

On November 5th, I urge fellow Groton citizens to vote for a positive change and to elect Neil Snyder and Kelly Smith.

Joan Packard
Groton, NY
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