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mailmanTo the editor:

I strongly support Gay Nicholson for the Lansing Town Board election this November 5. Gay has lived in Ludlowville for over thirty years, and has been a long time volunteer in the town.  She is fair, hard working, really listens to people, and can create collaborative dialogue leading to decisions on tough issues.

As the leader of major nonprofits such as the Finger Lakes Land Trust and now Sustainable Tompkins which have done so much for the area, she really “gets” what it means to be frugal and manage budgets responsibly. She combines vision with practical steps that can make a stronger, more resilient and vibrant future. Her expertise in open space, energy, planning, trails and much more will be a great asset to the town board and to the quality of life in our community.

Philip Snyder
Town of Lansing

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