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mailmanI am writing this letter out of concern for a place that is ingrained in my heart. That place is Lansing. The last two years I have had the honor of representing the people of Lansing. They have given me one of the greatest gifts a person can receive. Their trust. Over the past two years I have discussed many issues with people from every part of Lansing.  What I have learned is that Lansing has many concerns.

She is in pain. She is skeptical. She is divided. She needs time to heal. Lansing does not need to be reinvented. Her tax base is shrinking and people want to take property off the tax roles for hope. Hoping that tourism replaces taxable property. The scars of past sewer proposals are deep. She does not need to be torn apart by speculations. Be patient, let her heal. The sewer will come when the time is right. She will dance with Progress when the music is right and not before. Romances that are forced never last.

What Lansing needs in my opinion is moderation. Bans are extreme , moratoriums are reasonable. Let her heal. Time to allow the DEC and New York State to determine if  fracking is allowable. She needs help with her tax base. Nourish her. Let her get stronger.  The power plant needs to be repowered. Jobs need to be preserved and not sacrificed for ideology. Reasonable is to repower the power plant with natural gas. Renewable sources will have their day, but not in the near future. In the mean time, repowed the power plant and stabilize the tax base.

I have enjoyed her embrace for over 50 years. Hopefully many more. She can be demanding. She can break your heart  She will also reward you beyond your greatest expectations when you care for her. Myers Park, the Ball Fields, the Community Center, the Library, the Drop In Center, Rec Department and her Highways. She is envied. When you vote on Tuesday, I hope you have her best interests at heart. She responds to reasonable and obtainable goals. Goals that benefit all of Lansing.

In my opinion, Robert Cree, Doug Dake and Mike Sigler will take care of her. They seek reasonable and obtainable goals. No extremes, just sensible solutions to address her complex  concerns. She will heal. She will again be strong. She will once again be glorious! On Tuesday, please vote for Robert Cree and Doug Dake for Lansing Town Board. Also, vote for Mike Sigler for County Legislature. Thank you, 

Ed LaVigne
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