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mailmanI have known Katrina Binkewicz for many years. We met in the village of Ludlowville where we both resided. I immediately liked her vivacious and energetic approach to life.  One doesn’t have to know her long to see that she is a great multi-tasker and hard worker.  Katrina decided that she wanted to become a teacher some years ago. While working on the Town Board of Lansing the first time, she went back to school to earn a master degree in education from Cornell.  She now teaches art at Boces.

Katrina is now completing a one -year appointment on the town board but is running again for a full term.  During this last year she worked hard to improve Salt Point across from Meyers Park.  I’m a painter and a dog owner so I go to Salt Point nearly every day to look at the lake, to walk the dog, and to paint the landscape. What an improvement from years past when you never knew what you would find along the shoreline! Piles of garbage, debris from parties held on the beach, cars crisscrossing  through the grass. Now, there are designated pathways for cars.  Folks must carry in their picnics and take their own garbage out. There are new plantings of trees and wildflowers in the meadow grass.  It feels wild yet tended. It’s probably my favorite place in Lansing and we are lucky to have it.

All of this does not just happen. It is the result of hard work and careful consideration. Katrina did not do this alone nor is it the only project.  I know Katrina Binkewicz to be a good listener and a people person.  It is my hope that she is re-elected so that she may continue to help build and improve our community along with the other board members.

Cuba Ray
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