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mailmanI support Gay Nicholson for Town of Lansing board. I have known Gay for many years, from the time she was the Executive Director of the Finger Lakes Land Trust. I know her to be a reasoned, articulate voice for protecting the environment, while at the same time having a solid understanding of the pressing issues people face every day. She understands well how important the connection is between energy efficiency, and local sustainable economies and communities.

For years, Gay has been helping our wider community think about how to live deliberately and consciously, while planning for the future. She has demonstrated her own commitment to energy independence by solarizing and weatherizing her home to be more energy efficient. Collectively, these steps can go a long way to reduce our carbon footprint and secure a viable future for our community. Gay has patience, wisdom and the ability to bring divergent points of view together to solve problems and reach consensus.

Gay Nicholson would be a great addition to the Town board, with new ideas and energy to work on the pressing financial and social issues facing the Town.

Lynn Leopold
Village of Lansing
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