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mailmanThe world is focused on the progress of negotiations with Iran over its enriched uranium program.  Further intensive negotiations seek to eliminate the possibility that Iran will acquire a nuclear weapon. Unfortunately, a number of other countries already possess nuclear weapons, creating frightening health risks that the world generally does not understand. For example, what would be the impact on the world (including here in Central New York) of a relatively limited nuclear exchange between lessor nuclear powers, say Pakistan and India?

Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) just released a report addressing this.   It analyses a war such as might occur between these nations over Kashmir in South Asia, consisting of as few as 100 Hiroshima sized bombs (less than 0.5% of the world’s arsenal).  The soot lofted into the atmosphere would reduce global temperatures and precipitation for up to ten years. The result of this 'far off' conflict would be a worldwide decline in the production of rice, corn, soybeans, and wheat along with other crops not yet studied. As a result, an estimated 2 billion people worldwide would face starvation, malnutrition, and severe food insecurity. Major epidemics of diseases associated with malnourishment such as typhus, malaria, cholera, and dysentery would very likely follow taking more lives and crippling populations.  As a result, civil unrest, food riots, and war for scarce food supplies would almost certainly occur.

The concept of 'Nuclear Famine' has galvanized many countries to address nuclear weapons risks.  Agencies, too, are alarmed.  The International and American Red Crosses have passed resolutions calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons since there is no feasible management plan for a catastrophe of this magnitude.

PSR’s report presents further evidence that not only the major nuclear powers, but lesser ones, pose a global threat.  The report provides compelling reasons that nations must focus more energetically on the elimination of nuclear weapons.

We citizens must take action to prevent nuclear famine. We must let our political leaders know we want them to eliminate nuclear weapons globally. We must heed the many military and high governmental officials (such as Colin Powell and Henry Kissinger) who call for their elimination. Our nation must lead forcefully and set examples the world can follow. We know nuclear weapons are too dangerous to be tolerated and they add nothing to our security.  Now is the time to eliminate them.

PSR shows us that a 'limited' conflict 'over there' will not be over there at all nor be limited. It will destabilize our agricultural economy right here along with our international political alliances.  Let us heed its message.

Dr. Wm Klepack
Village of Lansing
PSR member
Practicing Physician

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