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mailmanDear Editor:

I am concerned about the Town Board's decision to take steps to acquire the entire property (including a present residential dwelling) of an elderly man in Ludlowville.  Apparently, this man has a vacant home in poor condition on his property but does not have the monies necessary to have it demolished.

Re a property split that supposedly is not possible, it seems the Town issues all types of variances for every development project that comes down the pike.  How about issuing one so this property can be divided and then steps could be taken to only remove the decaying structure? That would be the decent thing to do, instead of taking this man's home away from him.

Another issue that comes to mind is trespassing.  If unauthorized people of any age enter any property owner's premises, they are trespassing, which is against the law.  Perhaps local residents can better supervise their children so trespassing does not occur.

More importantly, perhaps these local residents can teach their children to help someone in need - hold car washes, fundraisers of any type - to help this property owner pay for the demolition?  Wouldn't that be a better lesson?

To take it a step further, why can't the people living in this community band together to raise the necessary funds to help this man have the structure demolished? Wouldn't that be a kindness, a really good thing to do for the community, instead of TAKING THE MAN'S HOME AND PROPERTY AWAY FROM HIM?

We seem to have been able to raise more than $100,000 for a playground during the worst recession in 80 years.  Why not try to help an elderly neighbor who just does not have the money to demolish this house?

The action of the Town Board in this situation has done only one thing - treat a long-time neighbor and senior citizen who has probably paid his taxes on this property for DECADES with contempt.  It sends a message that he and other elderly people DON'T COUNT and that it's OK to take away property of a long-time resident with the stroke of a pen.  It's wrong and makes others wonder - could this happen to me one day?  If we stay in Lansing, this is a scary thought that might one day become a reality for too many of us as we age.

Elisabeth Hegarty
Lansing, NY
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