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mailmanAs a former corrections officer I'm voting Ed Kopko for District Attorney. He has valuable experience as Assistant DA and Special Prosecutor. My disability resulted from jailing nonviolent offenders suffering from emotional tragedy and mental illness.

Ed Kopko, a former police officer, knows those addicted who do not commit violent crimes need treatment not jail. Ed feels this is a moral responsibility. Lives of CO's are at risk due to lack of adequate medical care in jails. Lawsuits result as ill people die and Ed's policies will save lives.

As a cop Ed acknowledges a national history of violence towards LGBTQ people and will provide equal protection under the law for everyone and will create a safe space for LGBTQ officers. Ed will enforce the law equally and his solutions are essential in restoring public trust. As DA, Kopko will protect residents who are marginalized. Nov. 8 elect Kopko, integrity in securing equal justice for all.

Joanne Cipolla-Dennis
Dryden, NY
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