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mailmanI did not know Michael Koplinka-Loehr during his first tenure on the county legislature. But as a Tompkins County resident I reaped the benefits of his hard work on lower taxes, obtaining much needed grants, economic development and endless hours of community volunteer work. More recently I had the good fortune to work with Mike in the world of energy conservation and renewable energy sources.

He is truly committed to understanding and resolving environmental issues that face us now and in the future. Mike is well informed, keeps up with the latest developments and maintains critical connections allowing him to be immersed in local and state developments.

Mike is a unique politician as he is able to hear concerns from ALL residents, speak to everyone's needs and reach out to opponents in a collaborative effort.

Mike is very respectful and considerate of opposing views while remaining firm in his own beliefs. Making him one of the most fair-minded candidates on the ballot. A politician willing to listen and consider alternate options while staying focused on the most positive outcome for the residents of Tompkins County.

Mike's twelve years of experience on the county legislature will allow him to jump in and immediately begin his forward progress for you and me.

Chris Santospirito
Ithaca, NY
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