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Editor's Note: While this was submitted in the form of a press release, it has been placed on the Opinions page because it is advocating a point of view.
Local officials in Tompkins County are recommending that New Yorkers vote "Yes" for the ballot proposition that will authorize a Constitutional Convention. For the first time in a generation, voters can support a convention to address the many dysfunctions that have emanated out of Albany for too many years.

County Legislature Chair Michael Lane encouraged voters to "turn over their ballots" and vote on the propositions there. The proposition for a convention is the very first one and he urged a vote in favor.

"We have seen too many elected officials in Albany taken away in handcuffs. The State Legislature has shown that our State Government is incapable of reforming itself. Without a convention we will never have the kind of ethics reform that we need to get the special interest money out of government and to put a stop to corruption. The real money in this contest is being spent by the lobbyists and special interests opposed to change, and not by the good government groups and others dedicated to real reform. Look around at the number of anti-convention signs out there. Listen to the incredible television ads opposed that disseminate misinformation to frighten voters away from supporting real change," he said.

Ithaca City Mayor Svante Myrick, fully supports a convention. He stated:

"To get the state government we deserve, we need reforms that take money out of politics, make it easier to vote, and guarantee civil rights to everyone. I have lost faith that we can achieve those reforms through the current State Legislature. I believe we need a Constitutional Convention."

Cornell Vice President Emeritus Henrik Dullea is a leading authority on the New York State constitutional process. Today he remarked:

"The pay-to-play culture that dominates Albany is rife with corruption that desperately needs reform. The state legislature has had fifty years since the last convention to submit necessary constitutional amendments to reform their operations and has failed to do so. Only a constitutional convention can put an end to the gerrymandering that keeps incumbents in office forever. Only a constitutional convention has the chance to propose term limits and campaign finance reforms that the voters can adopt."

Chair Lane added: "It is time to end gerrymandering. The current State system allows gerrymandering of the State Senate seats to keep Republican control, and of the Assembly seats to keep Democratic control. This sets up our government for perpetual gridlock that effectively disenfranchises residents throughout the state. A Constitutional Convention could drive a stake in the heart of the gerrymander by recommending a true independent redistricting process such as other states have."

Tompkins County Legislators Rich John and Martha Robertson both joined in sporting an affirmative vote for a Constitutional Convention.

New York has an antiquated, cumbersome and expensive judicial system. A convention could address the structure of our courts to create a modern judicial system with courts worthy of our Empire State.

If voters do not approve the proposition on November 7, they will not have another chance to authorize a Constitutional Convention for twenty years--a full generation away.

Michael Lane, Chair, Tompkins County Legislature
Svante Myrick, Mayor, City of Ithaca
Rich John, Tompkins County Legislature
Henrik Dullea, PHD, Cornell University Vice President Emeritus
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