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mailmanI'm writing this on behalf of my Father-in-Law Dick Costello who has been a part of my life for the past eleven years. Dick is one of the most loyal people I have ever met. I have learned so much from him by watching him over the years. His friendships and relationships will tell you what kind of person he is. He is always there when people need him and has always believed in doing the right thing.

I have always said that Dick and I are a lot alike because we are both 'rule followers'. He stands up for what he believes in and is extremely proud of the country he lives in. Trust me, even taking him out of 'his country' for a vacation is not easy.

I am lucky to have Dick and my Mother-in-Law Sharyn in my life and know that he will make an amazing Judge for Lansing.

Gena Costello
Boca Raton, FL
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