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The defeat of the School proposal should send a couple of message to both the Board of Education and the Town Planning Board.

1. Property taxes are to high and getting unbearable.

2. Alternate means of funding high cost projects must be found.

3. Both the Board of Education and the Town Planning Board must find improved means of communications. People should have the ability to sign-up for e-mail list that could be used to publish information about Town and School events.

4. The Web sites that both organizations have need to be improved and made more user friendly along with providing more timely and accurate information.

5. Both the Board of Education and the Town Planning Board should invite all of our county, state, and federal government representatives to a public forum to discuss property tax reform and means of reducing cost of major infrastructure projects.

A special note to the Planning Board – one issue that they have continued to gloss over is the individual home owners cost of hooking up to the proposed sewer system. The $3,000 is in many cases a gross under estimate. In the case were a home is set back 800’ from the road and down hill, the costs are going to be significantly higher both for initial installation and upkeep cost that must be born by the homeowner. Not addressing adequately the hook up cost is a disservice to the tax payers who must ultimately deal with paying for it. The other thing that should be offered is the option to not be included in the service area, when the cost of hooking up are prohibitive and the homeowner a has an adequate septic system.

From: James E. Sullivan

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