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ImageDuring Mr. Obama’s Latin America tour, he could have said that this country has made mistakes in the past as ALL countries have, and we're going to focus on moving forward based on optimism, faith and good will.  He could then begin walking that talk and uplifting the spirits of our country and those that desire our leadership to shine through in this turbulent world.

Unfortunately, our Dear President seems obsessed with saying he's sorry for every perceived misconduct from our history, although he is careful to say that HE wasn't to blame (how can you say you're sorry for something YOU didn't do?).  How far back is Mr. Obama going to go...back to the Mayflower and the Indians?  Perhaps he'll stop at the Korean War...nope, better apologize for Custer, Wounded Knee, Japanese internment, slavery, big oil, big fruit, IMF policies, not supporting the UN.  Heck, let's say we're sorry to Britain for the Revolution. 

Obama is a head-hanging apologist, disheartened with his country and confused on how to fix it.  Reagan didn't get bogged down like this because he focused on the POSITIVE aspects of this great country and sought to embolden individual Americans to enhance them, instead of seeking a government fix every negative he could find.  It's a matter of perspective...would you rather hear what crap your country has been, or see Morning in America again? 

From: Hugh Bahar
Lansing NY 14882

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