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On May 19th, the voters in Lansing will decide whether our library will remain a vital part of our community or cease to exist. The question to be answered is whether funding for the library from local taxes should be continued or not. If the funds are discontinued, the library will be closed. Despite what some are saying, it can not revert to its original status of a self-funded volunteer library.

This issue has been before the voters for a very long time and needs to be answered once and for all. I believe the library is an invaluable asset to our community and is worth every penny we pay for it. Indeed, it only costs each of us pennies a day. If your home is assessed at $250,000.00 or less, you pay less then ten cents a day to keep the library open. A very small price to pay for all the services it offers.


Please read the ballot carefully. The library question follows several other proposals where "Yes" is the expected response. As written, the library question asks whether the funding from local taxes for the library should be discontinued. A hastily placed "Yes" vote means the funds and, therefore the library, disappear. To save the library, please vote "NO" on May 19th.


From: William H. Miller


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