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With the election coming up you are probably paying attention to the signs in peoples' yards, flyers in your mailbox and even meeting the candidates in person as they go door to door and attend "Meet and Greet" events. With less than two weeks until the November 8 election it's time to think about who you want to represent you.

Turnout is typically lower when there isn't a Presidential election, but that is all the more reason to turn out now. Local representatives have a direct effect on your life, perhaps a more immediate one than State and Federal offices.

They affect your tax rate, the lay of the land, sewer and water, and they are who you face if you must go to court. They do a lot to make Lansing the growing, attractive community it is, and they are literally part of the community.

Lansing residents will be voting for two Town Board members, a Judge, a County Legislator and a District Attorney. There are some very good choices and some... perhaps not so great ones. Whoever you like it is important to get out and vote.

We can help you decide who the best choices are.  In the main menu click the "Elections" button to find charts and interviews.  See what the candidates are saying and then make your choice.

If your pipes break you call a plumber. If you get sick you go to a doctor. This is your opportunity to choose the people who will guide Lansing for the next several years. It only takes a moment to vote, a privilege that it literally pays to take advantage of.


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