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mailmanI found the article and attached Q&A document about security cameras in schools to be very interesting.

In the spirit of full disclosure and transparancy, I attended Lansing Schools from 1965 - 1976 and have worked in public schools in two other states for the last 18 years. The districts I have worked for have had security cameras for at least the last twelve years without problems. Often times they provided key information to help discover who was guilty and who was innocent in the few assults and vandalisms that we experienced.

The Q&A document was logical and well written. I commend the individual who put it together.

I would urge the Lansing School Board and the community stop trying to micromanage this issue and instead to allow the professional staff that you have hired (the Superintendent and the Principals) to do their job in running the schools. They are doing a very good job.

Michael Hodgson
Amarillo, TX

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