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ToThePointLogoThings are a bit strange this spring.  From politics and current affairs to weather and sports, there is no real way to predict what will happen next.  As I looked back at my 2012 daily calendar, I had already cut the lawn twice by this time last year and had tilled the garden.  The Big East was completely out of the NCAA Basketball Tournament, and it appeared that I had near perfect brackets with three teams in the final four.  Newt Gingrich was in Greece, and the Republicans were debating whether or not Mitt Romney was a “real” Christian.  Oh how I dream of those simpler times.

There is very little that brings comfort to my daily routine.  The ground remains frozen as temperatures barely reach the mid-thirties by afternoon and dip into the low twenties each night.  My rototiller stands silent and lifeless wondering if it will ever be taken out and started.  In a gesture of solidarity, I gently tap the metal tines and utter of few words of encouragement to the beast.  We both know that nature can be cruel.

Although the sun does appear each day, its warmth is eclipsed by the strong winds that have found a home in our region.  My walks around Myers Park have been brief as the wind hurls gusts so strong that I am forced to turn my back to it avoiding the stinging cold that makes me wonder whatever happened to global warming this year.  Even our dog, a husky/shepherd mix gives me a quizzical look when I ask him if he wants to walk in the park. 

My NCAA brackets are in worse shape than the European Union.  Dreams of winning the work pool were dashed during the “Sweet 16” portion of the tournament.  With each upset, I watched my chances of victory sink beyond hope.  In previous years, I had picked Syracuse out of loyalty and a sense of pride that the “Big East” was still “big” only to be rewarded with defeat.   This year, I did not pick Syracuse to advance beyond the second round.   And as Gomer Pyle would say, “Surprise-Surprise-Surprise!” Syracuse is playing so well they have reached the “Final Four” and might win the tournament on Monday. 

On the political front, Republicans and Democrats are working together to address the issues that need immediate attention.  After a four year game of chicken, both parties have begun to do the job that we elected them to do.   For the moment, Partisan Politics have taken a back seat as Congress debates and approves legislation that meets the needs of the people.  Where is Newt when you need him? 

Alas, I do not despair as I have been told by the good folks at Woodsedge that warmer weather is getting closer every day.  They have reassured me that before long, I will be wearing shorts and light shirts.  The garden will get tilled.   Flowers, vegetables, and the fruit trees will blossom and send their aroma into the air giving all of us a sense that spring has arrived.  Winter is over.  What optimism!  What zeal for life!  Oh, what the heck, “Go Orange!” And that is to the point. 

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