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A recurring question we hear from those property owners in the Tier 2 Benefit Area is why should I pay for the sewer infrastructure when I may not ever see sewer to my property or for many years to come?

The answer to this question is part Financial Benefits and part Quality of Life benefits.

As for the Financial Benefits, we need to set out the approach we have taken to arrive at this answer. The current Map, Plan & Report assigns 40% of the debt to finance the 8.2 million cost to the Tier 2 properties. This results in an annual charge to the Tier 2 properties of $23 per $100,000 of assessed value. Therefore if your property is assessed at $250,000 your sewer tax charge would be approximately $58 annually.


The Lansing Central School District Business Administrator, Mary June King, has projected the annual tax levy over the next 10 years based on their expected costs, the normal growth in the assessed value of property in the District and what the tax rate will be to cover those costs. We have prepared the attached table which shows what that school tax would be on a $250,000 assessed property if there is no sewer.

When we factor in the increased tax base due to developments currently in process, Lucente and Cardamone on Warren Rd., and the two projects proposed for the Town Land, NRP and Calamar, the school tax on that $250,000 assessed property is lower by $60 in the first year, and lower by $345 in year 10.

In effect there is an actual saving  to the Tier 2 properties in the form of lower School taxes. When you factor in the Town, County and Fire District taxes, the savings is even greater.

As for those Quality of Life Benefits, we believe the following will occur:

  • More commercial services available in the Town Center saving time and gas money traveling outside the Town. Such services we currently lack include medical and dental, pharmacy, laundromat, retail shops, etc.
  • Job opportunities for our residents
  • Additional housing options for our empty-nesters, seniors and young adults.
  • Lessen the environmental impact on the lake due to failing septic systems.

We will certainly enumerate other benefits in future letters which come with concentrating growth in the Town Center including how sewer extensions will affect the Tier 1 and Tier 2 costs.

Town of Lansing Sewer Committee

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