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Dan Comisi
The Lansing Boys Cross Country team placed 3rd at the Whitney Point Invitational against eighteen other area schools. Jon Cleveland ran tight with the front of the pack placing just behind rival Mikhail Kern from Groton. Cleveland (17:37) and Josh Barber (18:14) both placed within the top ten competitors.

Working together and not far behind were teammates Tim Shea (19:45) George Wigsten (20:08), Robin Hicks (20:09) and Dan Comisi (20:43). Running for the JV were Nate Muka(23:35), Alex Rogers (24:05) and Tim Carlson (29:07). Rogers improved his performance significantly from last year and continues to show improvement at each meet.


Josh Barber (center)




Cleveland watches his step on the steep downhill




Shanna Swanson




Neila Thomas (center, in blue and gold)



Both Shanna Swanson and Neila Thomas did well on the difficult course that runs along the dike in Whitney Point. The variety of elevation on the course challenges even the best runners but was no problem for both Swanson (22:22) and Thomas (25:57).

The team travels to Marathon on October 25th for IACs.


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