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Tyler VanOstrand, Danny Brophy, Trever Rounds, and Nicco Lupo captured the top spot in 'A' division regionals; while Aaron Stedge, Joel Teitelbaum, Chris Potucek (from Tioga), and Steven Angel placed second in the 'A' division regionals. Both teams advanced to the state finals as well. Ithaca also had a 'B' division regional champ in the team of Aaron Stedge, Joel Teitelbaum, Btandon Kamin, and Adam Owens. The Ithaca Youth Bowling Program as a whole was awarded a plaque for having the highest articipation in the regional tournament.
Two Ithaca Youth bowlers have advanced to the state finals of the NYS Pepsi Youth Championships after qualifying at the regional tournament held at Elmira’s Dixie Lanes earlier this month. Kayla Blanford placed third in the Girls 12 and up handicap division while Trever Rounds won the Boys 12 and up handicap division. Blanford and Rounds will compete in the state championships at King Pin Lanes in Rome on May 22.