- By Lee Christopher
- Sports

The Lady cats won their first game by only one pin. Kaela Teitelbaum's 161 game and 410 series led her team with help from teammate Melissa Seymour (140-368). The team is bowling well with only 5 female bowlers. Candor took the last 3 points of the match, with high scores and series by Jessica Shawley (156-397) and Rachel Henry (142-391).
The Bobcats boys did very well, taking all 4 points. Lansing total pin fall 2554 against Candor`s 2174. Lansing senior Joel Teitelbaum tossed his highest game and series to date. Joel bowled games of 166, 215 and 279 for a 660 series. Jake Aagard form Candor bowled a 181 game for a 534 series.
Thursday, December 13, 2012 Lansing traveled to Johnny Lanes in Watkins Glen. The Watkins Glen girls shut down the Lady cats taking all 4 points. Dakota Evans bowled a 183 game 458 series. Lansing bowlers struggle throughout the afternoon on the wood lanes. Lansing bowler Melissa Seymour had a (174-408).
The boys took 3 of 4 points. Lansing total pin fall 2574 was good enough. Watkins Glen scored 2505. Joel Teitelbaum had games of 180, 220 and 214 for a 614 series. Teammates Brandon Mikula bowled (213-583), Cole Quigley (174-505) and Tony Paige (201-492). Watkins Glen bowler, Billy Brennan tossed a nice 259 game and 634 series.