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Image The Ithaca YMCA Board of Directors and Trustees announced Thursday the planning for the YMCA Wellness Center addition dedicated to the youth and families of the community who are seeking to improve their quality of life and well-being. The second floor addition to the YMCA will feature an educational center with meeting space for health related forums and seminars, computer and library resources, individual counseling cubicles, members lounge and areas for individual and group instruction.

YMCA Board of Directors President Bill Reamer says that the Ithaca YMCA is focusing on the “Health Seekers” of our community in an effort to improve the participants activity levels, provide nutritional information, wellness counseling and support for families who are making lifestyle adjustments.

Throughout its 140 years, the Ithaca YMCA has remained dedicated to the health and wellbeing of community constituents through recreational and competitive sports as well as programs and activities that encouraged an active lifestyle. It operated out of several facilities throughout the years, including the former 70 year old building on Buffalo Street lost to fire in 1978. The current YMCA located on Graham Road is a full facility YMCA with two pools, gymnasium, racquetball courts, childcare rooms, dance studio, weight room, cardiovascular equipment, youth activity and locker rooms.

The Y has nearly 5,000 members and provides additional programs and activities for 2,500 non member participants. The Wellness Center addition will provide the space to expand programs for the members and encourage additional collaborations with community agencies, hospitals and other health related organizations. The 4,000 square feet Wellness Center will compliment the existing facility and provide another level of support for everyone looking to improve their health according to YMCA Board of Trustees Chairman Brent Stephans.

The planning for the Wellness Center was initiated earlier this year and secured funding currently stands at $200,000, half of the projected $400,000 cost of the project. Capital fundraising will continue with a goal of full funding and a construction start this winter.

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