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kenlansing120Longmont, Colorado -- Sheriff Kenneth W. Lansing of the Tompkins County Sheriff's Office completed participation in the 101st session of the National Sheriffs Institute (NSI) held in Longmont, Colorado, September 18-24, 2011.  The NSI is the only national executive development program designed for sheriffs.  This no-cost program is co-sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) and the National Sheriff's Association (NSA).  Lansing is the first Sheriff of Tompkins County to graduate from the NSI.

"Sheriff Lansing is a leader with vision for the Tompkins County Sheriff's Office," said NSA Director of Operations Fred. G. Wilson.  "It is an honor to have Sheriff Lansing join the more than 2,500 graduates of the NSI since 1973."

Lansing joined 28 other Sheriffs from around the Country for training on contemporary challenges facing America's Sheriffs today.  In light of those challenges, the sheriffs explored the roll of the local Sheriff in providing effective leadership for the public good in such areas as public safety, criminal justice system policy, community relations, and organization and effectiveness and efficiency.

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