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Archive: Around Town

posticon Within Reach - Cornell Plantations

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Within reach Sometimes you want to find a place to get away from life. It's too hectic, too hot, too busy, too expensive and a lot of other 'too's.

Peace and quiet can be the best tonic for what ails you now and then, and there IS a spot right in our area, the Cornell Plantations.

Up past the Vet school on Rt 366, turn left on Caldwell Rd and go to the bottom of the hill. Turn right into the Newman Arboretum. Drive past rows of nut trees, a stand of white birch and every species of tree, shrub and plant that can survive the Ithaca winters. If you go far enough, you will find yourself at "the ponds" which is a great place to begin your exploration.
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posticon Lansing Family In The Hill Cumorah Pageant

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bennett120Palmyra, NY -- Most families choose to go places like Disneyland for vacation, but the members of the Bennett family have other plans. Justin Bennett, of Lansing, and his family are part of the 750-member cast of the Hill Cumorah Pageant- one of the world's largest outdoor theatrical productions.

“I want to take the time and create memories with my family,” Justin Bennett said. “I don’t have much time with my kids because of work, and they’re getting older. Instead of going to Disneyland on vacation, we decided that this was a better way to build relationships in our family. I know being a part of the Hill Cumorah Pageant will be a high-impact experience that will create memories to last a lifetime.”

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Reese

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by Sarah Post

reese Beautiful young Reese was strolling through Collegetown when she noticed a particularly interesting young woman who was watching her right back! The woman knew just how to handle the situation, and Reese followed along back to the woman's car and was transported here to the SPCA! She's settled right in to the routine:  good food, fresh water, nifty places to sit and groom one's self, observe passing callers, 'meow' plaintively to get their attention and - hopefully - the PERFECT purr-ever home! Has Reese gotten YOUR attention? Do you have room in your home for this pretty young feline?

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Lansing 2016 Fireworks

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Lansing 2016 Fireworks

Lansing 2016 Fireworks

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posticon Lansing Lions Serve Up 4th of July Chicken

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Lansing Lions Club 4th of July

Lansing Lions Club 4th of July

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posticon Growing Up In The 60s

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v12i26 Growing Up In The 60s Until The Birds ChirpWhen Lansing author Marc Catone's book, 'The Giant's Chair' was published in 2005 he was already thinking about his next book.  Over a decade later his autobiography, 'Until The Birds Chirp: Reflections on the Sixties' has been published, chronicling his experiences growing up in Danbury Connecticut during the decade of love, sex and rock and roll.  While the '60s was a tumultuous, socially significant decade, most kids had their hands full just growing up.  But growing up in the '60 inevitably meant being influenced by significant events and a very different way of seeing the world.

"My primary goal with this is two-fold," Catone says.  "All along there has been a lot of '60s retrospectives on cable stations or in the movies or in books.  They always ask the same people -- they've got Wavey Gravy on there.  They've got Tom Hayden.  They've got Grace Slick.  I've got nothing against these people, I like them.  They're not the only people who experienced the '60s.  What about the common, ordinary guy and gal who had ordinary lives and the '60s were all-pervasive and influential on them?  I was also hoping that maybe this book would inspire others to write about their experiences in the '60s, too."

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posticon Lansing High Schol 2016 Class Graduates

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grad 120 79 graduates received diplomas at Lansing High School last Friday (June 24th).  Of those senior, 54% received a Regents Diploma With Advanced Designation.  11 earned a technical endorsement in addition to their diploma, and 32 were recognized as scholar athletes,  26 took a total of 49 advanced placement exams.  60 completed 637 college credits.  $36,000 in scholarships were awarded Friday.

13 will enter the workforce, get an internship, or join the military.  24 will attend two-year college, and 42 will attend four year college.

grad 07138

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Prada

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by Sarah Post

prada Beautiful Prada arrived at the shelter with four young offspring; the kittens were taken to a space of their own, since all five felines were suffering from what we would call colds. Prada is recovering well, and is now ready to consider moving to her Purr-Ever home. Given her less-than-wonderful recent history, she will likely be very happy to be with people - or one person - who will make a fuss over her and keep her supplied with good food, entertaining toys, perhaps a bird feeder close to a window where an interested feline could spend some time watching the diners and swishing her tail in appreciation. Come winter, she might enjoy watching movies on the TV with you, or even sports. And, isn't she just beautiful? The best decoration for a loving home!

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Within Reach - Cornell Lab of Ornithology

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Within reach Sitting quietly on one of the many chairs looking out of the massive glass wall onto the pond with its geese, ducks, water lilies and hundreds of birds of every description flitting about while a gentle rain falls, I am reminded of what “peace” is. Nature is continuing on its path as it should, with every creature going about its task as ordained by its species. Some are busy, some are sleeping, the goslings are stretching their long necks and all seems right with the world.

How have I ignored this little piece of heaven for so many years?

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posticon Dear Margaret - Tired of the Vampire

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dearmargaretHi Margaret:  I work for a company in a department with eight other women. For whatever reason, one of the women has decided I'm her mom and stops by, closes the door to my office, and begins telling me her woes. She takes up my time and drains my energy. I have feigned disinterest, given her feeble responses, and simply told her I don't know how to help her. She doesn't seem to get that I'm not interested in being her confidant or therapist. I don't want to go to our manager and 'rat her out,' but I'm not sure how to get her to stop encroaching on my life.
Tired of the Vampire
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posticon Myrick Hunger Hero Sandwiches Benefit United WayMyrick Hunger Hero Sandwiches Benefit United Way

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sandwichOn June 2nd Ithaca Mayor Svante Myrick reprised his role as culinary judge and supporter of local food security programs for the Third Annual Myrick Hunger Hero Competition sponsored by Collegetown Bagels (CTB) and Ithaca Bakery. The Mayor chose his favorite from among three finalists which were drawn from over forty different recipes submitted by the community.

The two runners up included a vegetarian chickpea mash made from a chickpea salad on pumpernickel submitted by the Human Service Coalition staff and a Polish inspired kielbasa and potato latke sandwich on rye submitted by Ian Mahoney and Jaclyn Petruzzelli.

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posticon Lansing Native Enters U.S. Naval Academy

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josephKoch photoAnnapolis, Md. – Joseph Koch a graduate of Lansing High School in Lansing, N.Y. was inducted into the Naval Academy Class of 2020 Thursday, June 30, and will begin six challenging weeks of basic midshipman training as part of Plebe Summer.

Approximately 1,200 candidates are selected each year for the Academy's "plebe" or freshman class, and each student is required to participate in Plebe Summer. During this time, plebes have no access to television, movies, the internet or music, and restricted access to cell phones. They are only permitted to make three calls during the six weeks of Plebe Summer.

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posticon Students Buddy Up at Ithaca Children's Garden and Lab of Ornithology

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ipei icg 120Each year, pairs of classrooms from different elementary schools are linked for Kids Discover the Trail! Ithaca (KDT! Ithaca) learning experiences according to which middle school they will enter together. Teachers of the classroom pairs plan additional activities together that give students more chances to develop relationships with their buddies. Some visit a Discovery Trail site, or each other's school or school neighborhood, or another cultural or recreational location.

KDT! Ithaca is a collaboration between Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI), Ithaca City School District (ICSD) and the Discovery Trail. KDT! provides every district student with the opportunity to connect their learning to the rich experiences available through one of the eight Discovery Trail organizations during each year of elementary school.

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