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Archive: Around Town

posticon Rabies Alert - Catch The Bat!

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bat1The Tompkins County Health Department urges residents to avoid the risk of rabies and rabies treatment by capturing and submitting for laboratory testing any bat found in their home that may have come in contact with humans or pets. There have been no confirmed rabid bats in Tompkins County in 2016, however as the weather warms and bats become more active, the risk of encountering bats increases. Attics and crawl spaces heat up in the summer months and bats seek cooler locations on the lower floors of the home.

Rabies is largely transmitted through bites from rabid animals. Bats present an additional concern, because in certain situations a bite may not be readily apparent. This includes bats that are found in a room with a sleeping person or bats that are found in the presence of an unattended child or a person with a sensory impairment. Should a bat land on a person, it should be captured and submitted for testing. Bats that have contact with pets that are lapsed or unvaccinated against rabies also present a concern.

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posticon Food Scraps Recycling Drop Spot Opens in Brooktondale

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foodscraps 120The Tompkins County Solid Waste Division is pleased to announce the opening of the County's newest food scraps recycling drop spot, in conjunction with the Brooktondale Farmers Market.

Located at the Brooktondale Community Center at 522 Valley Road, this pilot drop spot will be open every Tuesday beginning June 28th from 4-6pm. This free service offers residents the opportunity to expand their waste diversion options while reducing trash disposal costs.

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posticon ICSD Students and Staff Receive Awards

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ipeiHSAwardtoSWISEach year Ithaca City School District (ICSD) students, staff, and school programs receive awards and scholarships totaling more than $7,000 from funds managed by the Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI). Grants and awards are distributed annually based on each fund's criteria and to enhance educational opportunities, announced Ann Caren, chair of the IPEI Awards Committee.

Awards from the Ithaca High School (I.H.S.) Senior Class Fund recognize a new teacher who exemplifies enthusiasm and creativity, a school club that makes a positive impact on student life, and a staff member.  The recipients were selected by ballot by the seniors. I.H.S. Class of 2016 officers Benjamin Monaghan, Jake Barnett-Hill, Jessika Patel, and John Yoon presented these awards at the Senior Awards Convocation on June 9. This year's New Teacher Award of $200 went to Paul Heiland, Social Studies teacher, along with a gift of $150 to the high school library in his honor. Joaquin Lira, Library Aide, received the Staff Member Award of $200, and a gift of $150 went to the high school library in his honor.

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posticon IPEI Brings 'Rosie the Riveter' to DeWitt Middle School

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ipei rosietheriveterDeWitt Middle School eighth-graders participated in a two-day interactive history program in May designed to improve their understanding of the United States home front during World War II. Funded by an Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI) Red and Gold Grant, DeWitt Middle School social studies teacher Pamela Engram has took on the role of "Rosie the Riveter".  "Rosie" is an iconic character depicted in J. Howard Miller's propaganda poster produced by the Westinghouse Corporation and representing women who took jobs building bomber airplanes during WWII.

On the first day of the program, Engram dressed head to toe in denim, blue-collar clothes with a red and white scarf tied around her head and gave a "Rosie at Work" talk, set in San Diego's Consolidated Aircraft B-24 Liberator plant the summer of 1943. Eighth-graders, role-playing as reporters vising the plant, asked "Rosie" questions about her job, and one student helped her attach two sides to the ridge of an airplane part using a rivet and bucking bar.

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posticon Funding Received for Connecting Youth at Eight Square Schoolhouse

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8sq 120The History Center in Tompkins County recently received a grant from the Lane Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Tompkins County to support the summer camp 'Digging into Carrie's Diary' at the Eight Square Schoolhouse site.

Based on the 1869 diary of local 13 year old Carrie Manning from the Town of Ithaca (now Lansing), the week long camp will utilize the diary as the basis for all the activities that will take place. The children will receive a copy of Carrie's diary to keep, and craft a diary of their own to record their experiences throughout the week. Guest educators from several other Kids Discover the Trail organizations will enhance weekly activities through presentations from their respective sites.  

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Lucy

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by Sarah Post

lucy Lucy is here at the SPCA only because her owner is terminally ill and can no longer care for this loving, sweet cat. Lucy had belated surgery as a youngster for her inverted eyelids, which is the cause of her vision difficulties:  limited, but she gets around independently and can follow wand toys if you want to encourage her to play. There have been no medical issues since then. She loves people, and is affectionate and sweet. She prefers a home with no other cats - or one or two at most. Lucy likes to sleep/hide under her blankets! She can be a little shy at first, but warms up very quickly and is super affectionate. She loves attention and is full of purrs and head butts when happy. Spread a little love around YOUR home, not to mention on Lucy!

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Dear Margaret - Looking For My Passion

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dearmargaretHi Margaret:  There is so much talk lately about 'finding your passion' and 'living your life purpose.' I’ve held several jobs throughout my life and have a number of hobbies and interests. I can’t seem to settle on that one true purpose that will make me feel fulfilled for the rest of my life. I’m the typical 'Jack of all trades, master of none.' I envy those that appear to be living their purpose. I feel like a loser and don’t know how to go about finding that one contribution that will make me feel fulfilled.
Looking for my Passion
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posticon Wells College Appoints New Enrollment Services VP

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zuber120Aurora, New York – Wells College President Jonathan Gibralter announced the appointment of Kishan Zuber as the College's new Vice President for Enrollment Services. Ms. Zuber will begin her duties on August 1.

"In the increasingly competitive and technology-driven world of college admissions, Ms. Zuber brings critical experience and expertise to the table that will serve Wells College extremely well in the coming years. She is a dynamic professional with proven leadership in directing admissions operations both at the graduate and undergraduate levels," President Gibralter said in announcing the hire.

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posticon Caroline Third-Graders Study Birds with IPEI Grant

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ipei birds120Third-graders at Caroline Elementary School engaged in a birding case study this spring through a multi-disciplinary program funded in part by an Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI) Red and Gold Grant and utilizing the school's wilderness campus.

Students used binoculars purchased through the grant to conduct birding observations and nest-hunts as they researched local birds' adaptations, habitats and life cycles. These observations were then added to an e-bird database so experts across the country could make use of their data.

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posticon Fourth Annual 'Cans Along Cayuga' Food Drive

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unitedwayCayuga Radio Group, local elementary schools, and United Way of Tompkins County joined together for this year's successful Cans Along Cayuga food drive.

In the weeks before the parade, the four schools – Enfield Elementary School, Fall Creek Elementary School, South Hill Elementary School and Belle Sherman Elementary School – collected over 600 pounds of nonperishable food – nearly doubling what they collected last year. A total of 3,000 pounds of food were collected from the elementary schools and Cornell University through the Dump and Run Program, and picked up by Cayuga Radio Group on-air personalities and staff during the Ithaca Festival Parade on Friday, June 3rd.

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posticon Historical Archive Gets New Roof

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history lha 120The Lansing Historical Archives building is getting a new roof this week.  The building houses the Town's historical records, diaries, clothing, and other materials, as well as official town records.  The work includes the new roof, paid for by the Lansing Historical Association, and will be followed up with repairs to siding and other renovations by the Town Highway Department.

The structure was purchased in kit form and assembled in 2005.  It includes a large storage/display space, an office for Town Historian Louise Bement, a room that had been intended to be climate controlled for delicate artifacts and documents, and an attic space used to store official town records, both paper and computer backup disks.  Federal law requires the Town to keep records for 150 years.

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posticon Within Reach - Allegheny National Forest

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Within reach Six AM Saturday morning, Mom comes in the room and jostles me gently – "Time to go!" Sleepy sand still in my eyes, I somehow pull my clothes on and stumble to the car, plug myself in the back seat and promptly fall asleep again. The car had been packed, the boat loaded and covered and all preparations made the night before so all we had to do was fall into the car so Dad (who could drive forever without rest or pee stops) could truck us all to the Adirondacks to camp for the week. With the four of us kids I never knew if they considered it heaven or hell, but the best memories of my young life involved vacations in the forest.

Carrying all these wistful images from childhood, my friend Rob and I rode our motorcycles into the Allegheny National Forest. The region was a complete unknown to me – and frankly, the reason I chose this direction was the string of little green dots on the AAA map showing a scenic drive. Those little green dots really know what they're talking about.

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posticon Independence Day Celebrations at Myers Park

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4thofjuly myers120Myers Park is the center of Lansing's Independence Day celebration.  For the sixth year the Lansing Community Council is hosting fireworks next Friday (July 1).  That starts off an Independence day celebration in Lansing that continues the following Monday with a 9am service at the memorial marker at the park entrance, and concluding with the annual Lansing Lions Club chicken barbecue.  Everyone is welcome at all three events.

"Come early to the fireworks," says Lansing Community Council President Ed LaVigne.  "I recommend that you take the bus and stay.  The buses will run continuously.  After the fireworks are over hang for a while and enjoy all the food, the knickknacks we have for sale, and if you are happy with our performance support us with a generous donation of your time, your energy, your money or all three."

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