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posticon Wells College Biology, Biological And Chemical Sciences Degrees

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wellsAurora, New York—Wells College has added a Bachelor of Science degree in biology and a Bachelor of Arts in biological and chemical sciences to program offerings, increasing the options available to students who are interested in careers in the sciences. Each new major, built on current offerings and strengths, was developed to respond to students' professional goals and interests and allows for a more intentional path from college to careers. The programs were recently approved by New York State and are now available to students.

"Many of our students would like to pair a major such as biology with a minor in a more applied field but doing so would reduce the number of liberal arts and sciences credits they can earn which affects their ability to complete a Bachelor of Arts degree," said Provost and Dean of the College Cindy Speaker. "We've been examining the ways that our programs, whether taken independently or alongside of other disciplines, give students a set of skills or prepare them for a career in a certain way. It's important to us and to students that we give them the right preparation in the right way. This Bachelor of Science degree will help us achieve that goal."

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posticon Ithaca Rotary's Share The Warmth Successful

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rotaryclub 120The Ithaca Rotary Club wrapped up its 23rd annual Share the Warmth campaign in mid-December. Donations of new or gently used winter clothing were gratefully collected, sorted, and distributed across the area by volunteers from a number of sponsoring partner organizations: Ithaca Rotary Club, Trumansburg Rotary Club, Cornell University, Ithaca College, Tompkins Cortland Community College, Ithaca Re-Use, and the Samaritan Center of Catholic Charities.

Ithaca Rotary is pleased to announce that 592 Tompkins County households consisting of 900 adults and 647 children were the happy recipients of donations made to Share the Warmth. More than 4,500 items were picked up, collected, and sorted by volunteers for distribution through the Samaritan Center of Catholic Charities. The donated clothing was then distributed by Catholic Charities of Tompkins/Tioga free of charge to individuals who needed such items for the winter months.

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Thistle

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by Ashley Fleming

thistle Hi, I'm Thistle - one handsome guy! I arrived all the way from Alabama with hopes of finding my perfect Ithaca adventure buddy. At only six months old, I have a great demeanor and EVERYONE falls in love with me! I love laps, cuddles, playing outside, and learning new tricks. I'm still learning to stay calm when meeting new people friends, but the trainers here think I'm a quick wit and will learn my manners in no time at all. Just think, we could be the star of an obedience class together! My exuberance for life may be a bit much for the youngsters, so a home with sturdy children would be best for me. I would be happiest as the only dog in your home, but thankfully I have so much personality you won’t need anyone else! I'm neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, and can't wait to find my forever person. Will it be you?

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Odd School Vacation Works Out OK

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Lansing School VacationThis year the Lansing Central School District scheduled its mid-winter break starting at the end of one week and ending in the middle of the following week.  Administrators and residents worried that the odd vacation span would mean lower attendance in both weeks, as families sought to take a week's vacation with their children.

But Superintendent Chris Pettograsso tole the Lansing Board Of Education Monday that they needn't worried.

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Gus

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by Ashley Fleming

Gus How do you do, dear visitor? You may think I'm just another senior cat looking for a home, but it's been noted by the SPCA folks that I am friendly, sweet and affectionate, and that I can ALSO be 'pretty goofy'. I used to live with an older woman who loved me very much, but she is no longer able to care for me, nor is her daughter. I have lived with other cats and a dog, so if you have a cat-savvy dog and can introduce us carefully, that might work for me. I love to cuddle on a lap, but I don't like to be picked up, so just let me choose my time and place for lap-sitting and we'll be fine. Oh, and it's been reported that I'm a GREAT mouser...just in case you would like that sort of feline.

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Winning Middle Schooler's Poster Encourages Box Tops For Education

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Box Tops For Education5th grader Ashlyn Tarbert presented her original Box Tops poster to Lansing Market Monday.  The poster won a Lansing Middle School-wide contest for original art to promote the PTSO's box top collection initiative.  Box tops for qualifying products are redeemed for cash that goes back to Lansing schools.

"Something so simple as having a box or hanging a poster for this is a basic thing for us," said Lansing Market Manager Sandro Mironti.  "Having somebody like this young lady who comes up with an idea on how to enhance the awareness of the community... it's a special thing.  We can have a sign printed up that says whatever.  But when you have a young lady like this that takes time and effort to create something that we can proudly display in our store, a community showpiece, that makes a huge difference."

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posticon Here Come The Brides

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Create Your Day Wedding ExpoThe largest wedding expo in Ithaca is coming to the The Shops at Ithaca Mall this month.  The free 'Create Your Day Wedding Expo' gives couples an opportunity to talk to providers of all the products and services they might need for a wedding, all in one place.  Prospective brides will be eligible to win prizes, visit over 30 wedding vendors, and view a fashion show.

"Limousine companies, florists, photographers, hair and makeup people, DJs, venues, hotels, skin care people, a woman who does nail art for your big day, Dressella's, who will bring out a variety of dresses for brides to take a look at and bridesmaids dresses, and of course the wedding gown itself," says Ithaca Mall Marketing Director Alyssa Nappa.  "I think we're covering most of the bases -- you should be able to find anything you need for your big day here at the wedding expo."

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posticon Young Sustainability Activist & Designer Seeks Local Support

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newroots zoeNew Roots Charter School senior Zoë Larsen is reaching out to the Ithaca community for businesses, organizations and individuals to promote a more sustainable fashion culture. Her 'wearable conversation pieces,' designed to educate and inspire, will culminate in an art show and a benefit raffle.

Zoë's senior year capstone project is focused on upcycling fashion. That means making unique fashion pieces from otherwise unused garments, for instance, using sweaters with holes, or leather pieces that have been stained or cut, to make interesting handbags, legwarmers or scarves. Zoë's collection will draw inspiration from donated articles of clothing with various cultural and historical references to the Finger Lakes including: indigenous species, cultural and historical events, local festivals, musicians, and artists. The collection will be presented at a fashion and art show on May 6th at the New Roots Elevator Music and Art Gallery. The raffle will take place one month later during the June First Friday Gallery Night.

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posticon TCPL Unveils Listening Station

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tcpl120Tompkins County Public Library's Youth Services Department announced the addition of a music listening station to its offerings for children and families.

This easy-to-use listening station is located near the children's music collection and is pre-loaded with songs from more than 135 circulating albums.  Songs are cataloged by artist, album and genre, including librarian-created genres like 'Light and Happy Tunes.'

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posticon BTI Faculty In World’s 'Most Influential Scientific Minds'

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bt 120Showing that the Boyce Thompson Institute’s innovative discoveries reach far beyond its labs and greenhouses, Thomson Reuters named two researchers affiliated with BTI to its list of 2015’s “Most Influential Scientific Minds.”

Jim Giovannoni, a BTI professor and Research Molecular Biologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Leon Kochian, director of the USDA Robert W. Holley Center for Agriculture and Health and an adjunct professor at BTI, both earned their position on the list due to their successful plant science research programs and the wide reach of their scientific publications.

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posticon Dynamic Math And Science Program For Girls In April

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girls1The Cortland and Ithaca branches of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) are hosting Tech Savvy, a daylong event designed to show girls firsthand how science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields can lead to exciting careers.

The conference will be held at Tompkins Cortland Community College for 120 girls in grades 6-9 from throughout the region. The event schedule will include hands-on STEM and skills workshops for girls, as well as programming for parents to help them reinforce girls' interest in STEM.

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Duncan

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by Ashley Fleming

Duncan Hello! I'm Duncan, and I'm looking for a quiet home with gentle people. I get a little overwhelmed by lots of new people and places, but once I know you, I'll show you my silly side. I love scratches, cuddling, and already know a few basic tricks. I'm housebroken and don't chew anything except my toys, but I still like to have my crate to nap in and be my "safe zone." I bounce around like a puppy when you get the leash to take me for a walk. Because I am easily startled, a family with teenagers or an adult-only home would be my preference. A yard where I can run around with you would be wonderful too! I'm nervous with dogs I don't know, but I might be okay with a calm dog who will give me time to work up my courage. Do I sound like a good match for you?

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Lansing Counselor Honored At White House

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carolmiller 120Carol MillerLansing Middle School Counselor Carol Miller was honored by First Lady Michelle Obama as NYS 2016 School Counselor of the Year White House Ceremony on January 28.  Miller will be the first to tell you she doesn't have all the answers, but says her "true counselor self always comes out" when students seek her guidance.

"My advice is generally always the same: 'You are braver than you think, smarter than you know, and stronger than you believe," said Miller, a veteran school counselor, who was selected by the Alexandria, Va. –Based American School Counselor Association (ASCA) as the New York State  representative for the 2016 School Counselor of the Year program.

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