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Archive: Around Town

posticon LUMC Affirms 'All Are Welcome' -- Includes LGBTQAI+Persons

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lumc front 600The Lansing United Methodist Church congregation (LUMC) made it overwhelmingly clear that LGBTQIA+ persons are welcomed, affirmed, and celebrated by the congregation by adopting a Welcoming Statement on Sunday, September 22, 2019.  This vote voicing LUMC's opposition to the denomination's official stance toward LGBTQAI+ persons followed a year-long process of study and conversation led by LUMC's Reconciling Ministries Group. Ninety-eight percent of the LUMC congregation in attendance voted to ratify the statement.

The Lansing congregation joins over 1,000 other United Methodist groups, including  classes, congregations, campus ministries, annual conferences and even the whole Western Jurisdiction of the denomination in making a public statement that they welcome, affirm, and celebrate people of all sexual orientations and gender identities at all levels of their community, including participation, membership, and leadership positions. On November 18, 2019, the worldwide Reconciling Ministries Network ( recognized and welcomed Lansing United Methodist Church as a new Reconciling Congregation. LUMC is the third United Methodist congregation in Tompkins County to become part of the Reconciling Ministries Network, joining Forest Home Chapel and St. Paul's United Methodist Church.

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posticon Within Reach - The 9th Year Teddy Bears Fly in Syracuse

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monroe TBT 2017 1761 600W
It’s All About the Kids.
What is better than watching a child's face light up with the glow on Christmas morning, finding a new furry friend under the tree? These heart-warming moments would not happen for many of Central New York's less fortunate families, were it not for the year long efforts of the Salvation Army and civic minded businesses like Stanley Steemer of Syracuse and the Syracuse Crunch Hockey Club.

The Crunch and Stanley Steemer have been collecting teddy bears and plush toys all year in anticipation for this year's Teddy Bear Toss, to be held on December 7 at the Syracuse War Memorial Arena.

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posticon Herrick, Straw, and Wheeler Honored By Town of Lansing

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Marcia HerrickMarcia Herrick was presented with a framed copy of the resolution naming her 2019 Volunteer of the Year by Lansing Town Supervisor Ed LaVigne, and surrounded by Lansing Center Trail friends. Left to right: Deborah Trumbull, Gary Mallow, Roger Hopkins, Ruth Hopkins, Marcia Herrick, Maureen Cowan, Ed LaVigne, Susan Ruoff, Reenie Baker Sandsted

Three significant contributors to the Town of Lansing were honored Wednesday at the Lansing Town Board meeting.  Marcia Herrick and Doris Straw were named "2019 Volunteer of the Year", and Peter Wheeler was honored for contributing to the history of Lansing as a slave in Ludlowville, and then a free man.

Herrick was singled out for her contributions to the Lansing Center Trail for the past eight years.  She is the one who has tirelessly mowed the trail, twice a week, May through October.  She used her own lawn mower for the first three years, and kept the trail in such good condition that its use increased exponentially over the eight years.  She also came up with and led the Scoops bridge and trail project.  She was nominated by Ruth and Roger Hopkins, and the resolution naming her Volunteer of the Year was read and presented by Lansing Town Supervisor Ed LaVigne.

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posticon Take Care of Your Turkey

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turkeySenator Pam Helming is joining first responders across the nation to remind our local community to have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Thanksgiving is the peak day for cooking fires, followed by Christmas Day, Christmas Eve, and the day before Thanksgiving. These fires pose a serious risk, but there are simple steps you can take to keep you and your family safe.

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posticon Best Beverage Pairings For A Fantastic Feast

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As preparations begin for the Thanksgiving holiday, experts from the Cornell Craft Beverage Institute offer beverage pairings for the food feast, as well as delicious drinks for cooking, watching football and even those sometimes-challenging conversations with family.  The Cornell Craft Beverage Institute offers scientific guidance to breweries, distilleries, wineries and cideries throughout New York.

Brewing expert Kaylyn Kirkpatrick supervises the Cornell Craft Beverage Institute's Hops Analysis Lab and brewery pilot plant, scheduled to open in early 2020. She helps brewers across New York state test ingredient quality. Kirkpatrick offers beer pairings for the upcoming holiday.

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posticon Krasny Recognized for Environmental Education Research Contributions

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cornell KrasnyMarianne Krasny giving her acceptance speech during NAAEE's research symposium. Photo by Melissa Blackall
Dr. Marianne Krasny, Director of the Civic Ecology Lab within the Department of Natural Resources at Cornell University, was recognized by the North American for Environmental Education with the 2019 Outstanding Contributions to Environmental Education Research award.

Dr. Krasny's most notable contribution in 2019 was the development of the Cornell Climate Change Online Fellowship, which connects professionals from around the world to spur climate actions in their social networks. That built on her ongoing work at the Civic Ecology Lab, where she and her colleagues have created seven different online courses for environmental educators globally and continue to teach climate change science, communication and action.

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Rats

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henry no numberBy Adam Kramarsyck

You know what's cute, friendly, and available for adoption? That's right! Rats! We need to find homes for 100+ of the little critters. Come adopt one today!

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Local Dancers in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

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armstrong macysdancersTop Row: Jessandra Bender, Evelyn Kim, Elisabeth Lewis, Monica Willkens, Zoe Zavaski, Madeline Bennett, Isabella Steffie. Middlle Row: Tara Dikyikhangsar, Mary Cooper, Kassidy Payne, Ki Alve, Alina Fitzgerald, Jemma Andersen, Audrey Lauzun. Bottom Row: Badyn Milstein-Touesnard, Sabetha Hersini, Abby Wilder, Maggie Schnell, Sadie Arnold, Madalaina Raymond, Kylie Golden-Appleton, Liana SicroffThe 93rd Annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade will feature some familiar local faces – 22 high school dance students from the Armstrong School of Dance. The Armstrong dancers are from Ithaca, Newfield, Lansing, Moravia, Spencer, and Trumansburg Central schools.

Director Karen Armstrong Gorsky said that dancers from her studio have been invited to perform with the Spirit of America Dance Stars, which are recruited from top dance schools throughout the U. S. The November 28 parade will be watched by more than 3.5 million people on the streets of Manhattan and more than 50 million people worldwide.

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posticon Lansing Teens Help Send Christmas Trees to Troops

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mooretrees qatar2004The Moores sent the first tree to Qatar in 2004Lansing United Methodist Church teens Aubryn Neubert and Morgan Wilcox were at Moore's Tree Farm this week to pack five Christmas trees that were mailed to US troops in South Korea and Qatar. They stuffed the packages with letters and decorations written and made by other LUMC high school juniors and seniors.

Richard and Kay Moore started selling christmas trees in 1978. Now they sell an average of four to five thousand trees a year, many of which are sold to people who want to cut down their own tree. The coup0le are retired teachers: Richard taught information technology in the hospitality industry at the Hotel School at Cornell, and Kay taught 7th and 8th grade math at Lansing High School. They sent their first Christmas Tree to Nick Graham, their son Jason's former college roommate who had worked on the tree farm during college and was stationed with the Airforce in Qatar. They have been sending trees to troops ever since.

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Baby Nonsense

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henry no numberBy Adam Kramarsyck

Hello there, my name is Baby Nonsense. I'm a gentle, older fella with some stories to tell ya. I'm shy and still adjusting to the shelter so please introduce yourself to me calmly. Try sitting and talking softly to me, I'll return your conversation with a whisper of a meow. As a result of my lack of teeth, you'll notice that my tongue tends to slip out of my mouth. If you have a nice calm household and you're looking for a feline to match, come visit me today!

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Election Day Dinner and Supper in North Lansing

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North Lansing Auxiliary Election Day DInner and Supper

In Lansing there are two things you do on election day.  Oh, sure, you vote... that goes without saying.  Well, it also goes without saying that the North Lansing Auxiliary Election Day Dinner and Supper is a tradition that brings a lot of people to the polls.  Ham, chicken, cole slaw, biscuits... and,of course the famous and delicious North Lansing Auxiliary canned beets.

Early voting may have impacted the event, because the numbers of people served were a bit down from average attendance.  This year the 50 to 60 volunteers working the event served 133 meals at lunch time, and 335 at suppertime.  But the dining room was full at peak times.  100 pies of all sorts were baked for the event, and all 56 quarts of beets were sold out.

"It was another successful year and a huge thank you to all who worked and came to eat," said Auxiliary Treasurer Connie Wilcox.
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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Pebbles

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henry no numberBy Adam Kramarsyck

Hi there, I'm Pebbles! I'm a middle-aged lady with a lot of love to give. I like to solicit attention by winding my way around and through your legs, purring and rubbing as I go. I'll even climb in your lap for some loving but I prefer to get their on my own, rather than being picked up. I'm also a social eater. What's that mean? It means I prefer company while I eat. Imagine us, sitting together while we both eat dinner. Talk about a companion! Enough about me though. When are you coming to adopt?

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Village Votes to Become Climate Smart Community

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Village of Lansing

The Village of Lansing Board of Trustees unanimously adopted a resolution to become a Climate Smart Community Monday.  Before the vote Mayor Donald Hartill, who, two weeks ago, opposed the resolution as a "feel good resolution".  But after editing out all the 'whereas-es" in the example resolution affirming climate change and reducing emissions, Hartill proposed a stripped-down version.

"I think the real thing that needs to happen is to actually come forward with realistic, achievable, and affordable solution. Right. There's been very little that and a lot of conversation. That's really the solutions that are important.We have a sample resolution that's rather lengthy before us," Hartill said. "I would propose a rather simpler motion that the village of Lansing adopts the New York State Climate Smart Community Pledge, which comprises that list of 10 things and just very simple, straightforward, no agenda.  It's much simpler and it takes care of simply the 10 items."

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