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posticon Lansing High School Presents Mama Mia

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Photos by Karen Veaner

Sophie Sheridan is planning to get married, but she wants her father to walk her down the aisle. The problem is she doesn't know which of three men, if any, is her father. Based on the songs of ABBA, Mama Mia is performed by Lansing High School actors, singers, and dancers. You can still see it tonight and tomorrow at 7pm at the Lansing Middle School Auditorium.

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posticon NYS Apple Industry 21% Larger Economic Impact

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A Cornell University team has found that the economic impact of the apple industry in New York State is 21 percent larger than traditional models suggest. Researchers used the apple industry as a case study to test a new – more precise - framework for economic impact analysis.  Traditional economic impact analyses often rely on secondary state and national data, which can give a distorted picture of how an agricultural industry will affect a local economy. The new model uses locally sourced data showing what farmers are spending their income on and where.

"If the analysis has implications for private or public local economic development initiatives, the more accurate the numbers, the better," said Todd Schmit, lead author of the study. "Collecting local data is really hard, it's costly, it's time consuming. The flip side is, in most cases, that's time and money well spent."

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posticon Dear Margaret - Trouble Coping

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dearmargaretDear Margaret: I work for a small office that is incredibly toxic. Employees gossip about each other, a few are bullies, and the boss picks favorites. Going to her, therefore, is out of the question. I need a job, and have been sending out resumes. If something doesn't turn up soon, I may have to consider going out on disability. It's really is that bad. I don't know what other options I have. It's making my life miserable. How can I cope with this situation without going to the extreme?
Trouble Coping

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posticon Grants Support Ithaca Arts Education

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fabc grant LACS Mural

The Fine Arts Booster Group (FABG), an affiliate of IPEI, has awarded $4,210 in seven grants to Ithaca City School District (ICSD) programs that will reach over 1,000 students (see below for list).  Grant funds are made possible through Fine Arts Booster Group performance booklet ad sales and individual donations. The boosters produce performance booklet programs for middle and high school concerts and plays, totaling over thirty events each year.

The Josh Endo Memorial Award for the Continuing Support of Music Education (JEMM) Fund grant was awarded to support elementary school students' instrument rentals and secondary school instrumental music trips.

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posticon Dear Margaret - Duped

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dearmargaretDear Margaret: I recently helped a friend to promote his business by advertising and finding an appropriate venue for a string of ten events he wants to hold. The first event was successful, and he received a number of potential new clients. I charged him a nominal fee, and there was a fee for renting the space. I didn't charge him much because we are friends, and he agreed to use my services for his future events at this venue. Even though I didn't charge my full fee, after his first success he now understands how to do his own marketing and has found a cheaper venue to hold his remaining nine events. I feel betrayed. I may also be on the hook for cost of rental for the remaining events that were scheduled. I'm so angry and don't know how to handle this!

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Ben

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ben dogBy Adam Kramarsyck

Hello! I'm Ben! I used to live down south on the streets. I'm SO happy to be here meeting new friends. Sometimes, I get a little too excited and jump around, so I would do best in a home without small children or frail adults. I'm a bossy guy around other dogs. I might even prefer to be an only dog, but my shelter friends can talk about that after you meet me!

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon 5th Anniversary Of Farm Cidery Law

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo marked the fifth anniversary Thursday of the Farm Cidery Law, which created a new craft beverage license for hard cider produced with apples grown exclusively in New York. The Governor's Farm Cidery Law was a direct result of a commitment made to hard cider manufacturers attending the state's first ever Wine, Beer and Spirits Summit to create a license similar to those available to farm wineries, breweries and distilleries. As a result of this legislation, New York now ranks first in the nation for the number of hard cider producers.

"The farm cideries law created new opportunities for local apple growers and entrepreneurs across New York, and helped make the Empire State a national leader in the industry," Cuomo said. "The tremendous success of our cideries has not only provided new revenues for local farmers who are producing fresh, high-quality apples for cider producers, it has also supported our booming tourism industry."

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Big Guy

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bigguy catBy Chloe Winter

Hi, I'm Big Guy, and when you see me you'll know how I got my name! Even though I look big and tough, I'm a real softy. I can be shy at times, but if you go slow and give me time I'll be your new best friend! I am quite a bit overweight, so my new adopter would need to make sure I continue with my plan to drop a few pounds. Are you a patient person with a quiet home? If so, I think we would be a great fit!
Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Pack 48 Speeds to the Finish Line

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pinewood trophiesChampionship winners

Don't blink or you may miss the exciting finish! Twenty-six Cub Scouts from Lansing Pack 48 competed in their annual Pinewood Derby on Saturday 9th February at Lansing Elementary School. The Pinewood Derby is an event that originated in California in 1953 when a Cub leader wanted to have a competition for Cub Scouts similar to the soap box derby run for the older boys. He had the Cub Scouts build cars from a block of pine wood with wheels and then race them down a track. The event was a huge success and has been replicated by many Scouting units across the country since that time.

Each Cub Scout in Lansing was given a kit, this year donated by the Rejman Family of Genoa, of a wooden block, 4 nails and 4 plastic wheels. They shape and decorate the block into a car or truck either at home or at the annual 'pit day' hosted by the Pack 48 leaders and families at the Middle School shop.

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posticon Lansing Schools Want Students to 'Be The One'

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Be The One Campaign

Have you had someone that you connected with and made a real difference in your life?  It seems obvious, but not everyone does.  On February 11th meeting Superintendent Chris Pettograsso updated the Lansing Board Of Education on how the district is implementing the county-wide 'Be The One' campaign.

"We looked at the student data and brainstormed ideas," Pettograsso said. "We'll be meeting after our February break to see what our next steps for the 'Be The one' campaign will be.  We've taken a different approach from some other school districts.  We've started with the students to see if it resonates with them and if it is important.  They seem to really enjoy the time together.  We heard from many of the students that it was nice just to come together and talk."

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posticon Red and Gold and Teacher Grants Funded Across ICSD

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Ithaca Public Education Initiative's (IPEI) Executive Director has announced funding for 20 projects and programs in the second round of grants made by IPEI during the 2018-19 school year.

"Because of our generous supporters, IPEI is able to turn teacher ideas into engaging realities for our students. We're so proud to support the work and love our teachers put into their classrooms and schools," said Steven Manley, Executive Director.  "This round of grants supports community character education, senior projects for students and connects students with members of the greater Ithaca community including Southside Community Center and the Hangar Theater, to name just a few."

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posticon IHS Brain Team Sets National Record

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On Saturday, February 9, the Ithaca High School Brain Team set a national record while competing in the Geneva Invitational Quizbowl Tournament in Geneva, NY.

Through nine rounds of play, the Ithaca A team, featuring seniors Isaiah Gutman and Julian Perry, junior Kaelan Imani, and freshman Rohit Lal, went undefeated and sustained an average of 631.7 points per game. This score set a new national record for highest points per game in the recorded history of high school quizbowl. The previous record of 627.3 points per game was set two years ago by a team from New York City.

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posticon Dear Margaret - Not the Go-to Girl

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dearmargaretDear Margaret: I have a friend who is always asking me for favors. I never mind helping out a friend, but I’m a bit tired of being her go-to person. She would probably help me out if I were in a bind, but I seem to manage on my own. How do I turn down some of her requests without appearing rude? Should I suggest she ask another friend, or help her find a workaround that doesn’t involve me?
Not the Go-to Girl

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