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posticon Emergency Services Personnel Recognized For Saving Child

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The Ithaca Kiwanis Club has recognized members of the Tompkins County Sheriff's Office and the Department of Emergency Response, and officers of the Ithaca Police Department, as "Officers of the Month" for October. The emergency services personnel were recognized for their actions to assist and return a lost child safely through effective use of the County's Swift911™ notification system.

Receiving the award today were Sgt. Kyle Koskinen and Deputy Stephen Moracco, of the Tompkins County Sheriff's Office; Sgt. Kevin Slattery and Sgt. Barry Banfield, of the Ithaca Police Department; and Dispatch Supervisor David Cotterill, and Emergency Services Dispatchers Alex Kreutzer, Stephanie Gonzalez, and Michael Collins of the Tompkins County Department of Emergency Response.

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posticon Family Reading Partnership Appoints Executive Director

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frp Amber in DCThe Board of Directors of the Family Reading Partnership announced the appointment of a new Executive Director. Originally appointed as Interim Director in June, Amber Smith took on the permanent role on October 9.

"I have always had a love of books, and I know that reading and playing with infants and toddlers is so very important," says Smith. "I am so excited to bring my experience to the programming that the Family Reading Partnership offers. We have an opportunity to reach every family in Tompkins County with programs designed to empower caregivers to engage with their young children, and I am thrilled to be a part of that."

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posticon Rotary Club Announces 2018 Grant Awardees

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The Ithaca Rotary Club announced the awardees for its 2018 round of community grants. Eleven grant requests were funded at a total of just over $8,000. The agencies were honored at a check presentation on Wednesday, October 10th during Rotary's noon lunch meeting at Coltivare. Funds for these grants are raised through Rotary's annual Little Apple Fall Follies (LAFF) event.

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posticon Dear Margaret - Left Holding the Bag

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dearmargaret I grew up in a home where there was often open hostility and violence. I have to say, it's left me with a good deal of emotional trauma that I'm trying to navigate as an adult. I have deep feelings of resentment for the adults who should have protected me. I blame them, and want them to take accountability, but it seems they never will. As a child, I needed the adults to do their job, and now I'm left to heal from their neglect. How can I get them to own what they did? It will go a long way in my healing if they would take responsibility.
Left Holding the Bag

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Kisses

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kisses catBy Chloe Winter

Hi, I'm Kisses! I arrived at the shelter together with my sister, Hugs, and she's since been adopted. Now I'm all alone, and looking for a calm home where I can settle in and enjoy a nice cat bed or couch cushion. Do you have room in your heart for a lovely black cat like me?

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Lansing Gallery - 1st Graders Visit Fire Station

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Diane Duthie - Lansing GalleryEach year Lansing first graders get a special on a Friday morning treat during Fire prevention Week -- a trip to Central Fire Station where they learn about what to do in case of a fire, and get to wear real fire fighter equipment and go on a fire truck.  And firefighters visited Lansing Kindergartners in the afternoon.

It's not all just for fun.  In 2005 the Fire Prevention Week experience helped then 4 year old Blake Hunter avert tragedy.  Thanks to the session with Lansing Volunteer Fire department members, Blake knew exactly what to do when he saved his mother from a blaze in their home.

Photos by Diane Duthie

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posticon Dear Margaret - Tired of Being Demeaned

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dearmargaret I am a woman who has to meet with a man in my organization fairly frequently, and he gets under my skin. Projects require a coordinated effort from us. He's my age, and his rank in the organization is no higher than mine. He has a superior attitude towards me, and he makes comments to me that you'd expect to hear made to a child. I want to clear the air with him, and at the same time keep a civil working relationship because we need each other to get things accomplished. How can I keep my self-esteem, and at the same time keep things on a cordial basis in order to accomplish our goals?
Tired of Being Demeaned

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posticon Fair Educational Opportunities For Children

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Spencer, NY - Congressman Tom Reed stopped by the Spencer-Van Etten Middle School Wednesday and spoke with students and staff about the Parents, Afterschool, Volunteers, and Enrichment (PAVE) program which works to boost confidence and inspire future aspirations through a fun and creative learning environment.

"Our future community leaders deserve a fair opportunity to receive the best educational programming to help them succeed," Tom said. "We care about providing support to after school and summer programming which 21st Century Community Centers brings to our schools and applaud the work of the administrators, teachers and parents who ensure students have a safe and fun learning environment."

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posticon Trends in Halloween Candy Through the Years

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"I'll trade you my Baby Ruth for a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup!"
"No way! What about my Snicker's for your Swedish Fish?"

Ah – how sweet it is. Literally. This time of year brings the kid, and sweet tooth, out in all of us as we fondly remember those days when we eagerly went door to door to gather candy from our neighbors only to come home and pour over our bounty. Even as adults our eyes widen just a little bit more as we enter the grocery store and see the vast array of sweet treats that greet us this time of year as we prepare to welcome the next generation of Trick-or-Treaters at our doorsteps.

Over the year's we've seen Halloween candy trends come and go. From Baby Ruth's debuting on the scene in the 1920's to what seems to be everyone's favorite, especially in the past decade, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, as consumers we set the trend for this cavity laden holiday. Here is a walk down candy memory lane and what candy topped the list in homes across the U.S. Did your favorite candy make the cut?

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posticon Tommy's Perfect Centennial Flight

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More than 2,500 people came to the Ithaca Tompkins Regional -- soon to be International -- Airport Saturday to see Tommy fly.  Tommy is a Thomas Morse Scout, one of nearly 600 that were manufactured in Ithaca a century ago in what is now the Morse Chain building, and used as training planes in World War I.  And fly it did!  Pilot Ken Cassens took off from the grass runway that is sandwiched between the paved runway and taxiway, made several passes across the airport before making a perfect three-point landing to a cheering crowd.

"The Thomas Morse S4 Scout was an advanced high speed trainer designed for the US Army Air Corps to be used in World War I," read Ithaca Acting Mayor Deborah Mohlenhoff from a City of Ithaca proclamation.  "The Scout played an enormous role in the early years of aviation, and became affectionately known throughout the aviation world as 'Tommy'.  In total there were only 600 of these planes built, with 13 planes in existence as of today, and only one in fully restored condition to fly, our own Ithaca Tommy plane."

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Nala

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ava dogBy Chloe Winter

Hi, I'm Nala! I'm a young and fun-loving 2 year old hound mix. I think I'm a good balance of athleticism and calmness. I love to run and play, but I also like to cuddle! Are you the human I've been waiting for?

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Dear Margaret - Sitting in Silence

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dearmargaret With so much in the news and social media lately about sexual assault, it is bringing up my own story that I've held in for 37 years. So many brave men and women are getting their stories out, and are receiving such support for people who don't even know them. They are being believed. Without even telling my own story to anyone, I almost feel validated. I'm still fearful though. Taking my pain public feels like more than I can bare. Shall I wait till it feels right for me?
Sitting in Silence

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posticon 275 New York State Master Teachers Join Program

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced the selection of 275 educators from across the state to join the New York State Master Teacher Program. One third of the new Master Teachers announced are elementary teachers, expanding the network of outstanding teacher-leaders to include K-12 STEM educators. These educators will join the network of Master Teachers created in 2013.

Lansing High School teachers James Saroka and Andrea Schneider are among the 980 New York State Master Teachers. The program recognizes outstanding teachers for dedication to providing the most innovative STEM education to their students, commitment to professional growth, and enthusiasm for sharing their successful practices with colleagues in their schools, districts, and regions.

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