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posticon History Center Volunteers Receive Individual Achievement Award

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historycenter MANYaward

The History Center in Tompkins County announced that the outstanding work of key volunteers, Kristin Yarnell and Judith Kinney, is being recognized by the Museum Association of New York.

Kristin Yarnell and Judith Kinney will each receive an 'Achievement Award' as part of the Museum Association of New York's 2018 conference 'Visioning Change'. The Award Ceremony will take place at 8:00 AM on Monday, April 9, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency Rochester. Achievement Awards recognize devoted staff and volunteers who are instrumental in moving their organizations forward over a sustained period. Nominations are accepted for individuals or a team of staff and/or volunteers.

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posticon Lansing Fire District Gets High Fiscal Marks

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Lansing Fire District

The Lansing Fire District received high marks in an independent audit presented Tuesday to the Lansing Fire Commissioners.  Certified Management Accountant Lawrence Johnston, of the Sean Hucko, CPA firm, told the commissioners that their financial picture is quite rosy.

"I was looking these numbers over today," he said. "This is probably the best financial shape I have ever seen any Fire District in, and we do about 16 or 18 fire districts.  You certainly have a lot of cash.  And you have no debt.  You have almost $3.2 million available for various things."

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posticon Within Reach - The Villa Roma Resort

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Within reachThis past week I was one of a team running the Professional Photographers Society of NYS annual convention FocusNY 2018 at the Villa Roma Resort. This was the second time we've had our convention there, and I have a few comments about the entire experience.

First comment, "Wow!"

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Cocoa

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CocoaBy Doug Scott

Hello, my name is Cocoa! I am a lovely female tabby cat and I'm only 3 years old. I was brought to the SPCA because of changes in the family and human allergies. That's tough for a kitty like me and very stressful! So here I am waiting to find my forever home. My ideal home is a quiet and low stress environment without other animals, and with humans who will give me lots of love!

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon More Sap, Less Land, Cheaper Syrup

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cornell sugarmaplesapling

The high price of sweetening your Sunday morning pancakes may be old news. A project led by Cornell University researchers promises to reverse the upward trend and help maple syrup producers get more sap from less land.  The project will decrease the cost of the breakfast staple while protecting an important – and delicious – natural resource: sugar maple trees.

Maple sugar production demands a costly investment of time and energy. Sap is roughly 98 percent water, and producers must boil off most of the liquid to get an optimum sugar concentration to sell. Cornell researchers seek to make the process more efficient by propagating trees with naturally higher sugar sap concentrations – about double the norm.

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posticon Dear Margaret - Perplexed Parent

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dearmargaret My 15 year-old daughter seems to buck authority at every turn. She resents not only my authority, but that of teachers and all others who represent leadership over her. When the time comes for her to get out into the world and has an employer to report to, I'm afraid this attitude will heap failure on her. I know teenagers are supposed to try their limits, but her behavior goes beyond the boundaries of what I'd consider normal testing of authority. How can I impress upon her the importance of respect for authority without crushing her spirit?
Perplexed Parent

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posticon Wells Alumni Announce 2018 WCA Awards

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wells fine haagWCA Award recipients Fiona Morgan Fein (left) and Rebecca Haag

Aurora, NY - The Wells College Association of Alumnae and Alumni (WCA) has announced the 2018 recipients of the WCA Award, Fiona Morgan Fein '65 and Rebecca Haag '74. The award recognizes Wells alumnae and alumni of high achievement in their professions and careers, in volunteer and community work, in service to their alma mater or in some combination of those endeavors. Fiona and Rebecca will receive their awards during a special convocation ceremony held during Reunion weekend, 11 a.m. Saturday, June 2, in Phipps Auditorium of Macmillan Hall.

Fiona Morgan Fein's service to Wells is unparalleled. As a member of the Board of Trustees from January 2009 to May 2017, Fein was admired for her perseverance, willingness to ask hard questions and encouragement of staff and faculty. Fein also chaired the board's Advancement Committee, guiding the collaboration between peers and College leadership to develop effective fundraising strategies.

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posticon Lansing Town Meetings Hit The Road

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Lansing Town Meetings

Prompted by public concerns over the proposed Comprehensive Plan revision, new Town Councilman Joe Wetmore suggested bringing meetings to the various neighborhoods around Lansing to give people a more accessible opportunity to weigh in.  In response Supervisor Ed LaVigne re-established first Wednesday working meetings to augment the regular Town Board meetings on the third Wednesday of each month.  Each working and regular meeting has a segment near the beginning of the meeting for public comment on the Comprehensive Plan.

LaVigne says he hopes to be able to approve the Comprehensive Plan revision this summer, but the additional meetings have been scheduled throughout the year.   There has been little public input at the regular Town Board meetings. The first working meeting took place March 7th at the Village of Lansing Hall.  Village officials participated with Town officials to present a joint sewer proposal before Comprehensive Plan discussion was begun.

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posticon Officer Colin Receives Police Escort to Lansing Funeral Home

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Police Escort for Officer Colin Hayward Toland

Ithaca Police Officer Colin Hayward Toland's remains were escorted Tuesday from Syracuse Hancock Airport to Lansing Funeral Home by numerous police and other emergency vehicles.  Toland, 10, passed away Saturday at Saint Jude's Children's Research Hospital after a battle with brain cancer.  The van carrying his remains was escorted by at least 50 emergency vehicles, and met by a police honor guard lining the funeral home driveway with American flags.

'Sergeant Colin' was the youngest member of the Ithaca Police Force.  When former Ithaca Police Force chief of police John Barber met Officer Colin at the IPD Community Barbecue in 2016 the youngster told him his greatest wish was to become a police officer.  That September Barber, Ithaca Mayor Svante Myrick, and several Ithaca Police officers swore Colin in as an honorary officer.  In November 2017 he was promoted to Sergent.  Earlier this month, while being treated at Saint Jude's, the Memphis, TN Police Department surprised him with a promotion to Lieutenant.

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Tater

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TaterBy Doug Scott

Tater here! I'm a handsome boy who loves scratches, especially on my back and sides! You into fitness? Me too! I can’t wait for a person of my own to hike and play with. A home with no children or older children would be best for me. Please come visit me today!

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Dish To Pass Across Cultures Celebrates One Year

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Interfaith Community Dinner

32 people of differing faiths showed up for the one year anniversary of the Interfaith Community Dinner Tuesday, at the Lansing Community Center.  The monthly dish-to-pass attracts members of all faiths -- and no organized religions.  It has regularly attracted members of Tompkins County's Christian, Jewish, and Muslim communities, who come each month to get to know each other and share a meal.

The dinners are informal affairs.  People are welcomed and asked to introduce themselves, after which they did in to a feast of foods from many cultures, all labeled with ingredients so that religious or dietary restrictions are easily managed.  No one goes hungry - bringing a dish is suggested, but not required so that anyone can participate whether they have the means to bring a dish or not.

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posticon First Female Rector Appointed at St. John's

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A new rector arrives at St. John's Episcopal Church this Sunday, March 25. After conducting a national search, St. John's is welcoming the Reverend Megan Laura Castellan, formerly the associate rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Kansas City, Missouri. She will be the first woman to be installed as the rector of St. John's, which in 2022 will celebrate the 200th anniversary of its founding.

Rev. Castellan has a Master of Divinity in theology from The General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church, New York, New York; and a Bachelor of Arts (cum laude) in religious studies and English literature from The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia.

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posticon Dear Margaret - Victim of One-Upmanship

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dearmargaret I have a sister-in-law that is continually one-upping me in what seems like every interaction. She does this in conversation between the two of us as well as in groups. I’m getting so I can’t stand to be around her. If I do something noteworthy, she’s already done it, but better. If I have a difficult situation, she’s had it worse. I’m thinking of talking to my brother about this as he seems oblivious to his wife’s habit of stealing the spotlight. I would think he’d want to know how she is affecting me because, quite frankly, I’m starting to avoid gatherings where I know she’ll be present. My mother is telling me to just let it go. Who is right?
Victim of One-Upmanship

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