- By Tompkins County Sheriff's Office
- News

These calls are coming in from local numbers and using current personnel names in an attempt to solicit money. They are using a variety of reasons for the call; "missed court dates", "summons", “warrant of arrest”, etc...
Should you receive a suspicious call asking for such funds to be "transferred", "given via gift card", or "meeting up at a specific location", please hang up. As with similar scams (such as the IRS scam), the Sheriff's Office will not contact you asking for these kinds of funds.
However, the Deputy Sheriff's Union typically does fundraising. This can come in the form of a letter or a phone call. If you find the call suspicious in any way and have doubt as to its authenticity, please contact the Sheriff's Office main line (607-257-1345) or the non-emergency line to Dispatch (607-272-2444) for clarification.