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ImageI'll make it simple:  Please vote No on the proposition which will abolish our Lansing Library.  Here's why I feel this way.

Aside from its primary purpose, our Library serves as a Community Center in many ways.  I attended both free gardening workshops, along with a room full of residents, which were both enlightening and entertaining. It also gave me a chance to see other community members I do not run across on a daily basis.

I have used their magazines and borrowed books to avoid driving downtown, saving money there. But more importantly, what makes Dryden and Trumansburg special for their residents is their town center, which serves to bring people together and creates a sense of community. As my last child is about to graduate from Lansing schools, I, like others, look to other avenues in the community, such as the library.

I certainly respect the opinion and actually agree with Mr.Pace and others who feel that we must reduce our tax burden.  However, the library is run so efficiently that our county and state governments could take a lesson from those who have been running it with the utmost in fiscal responsibility.  If people feel strongly about their outrageous tax payments consider writing/calling/voting out your representatives to express your concerns about real waste in government and earmarks that serve no useful purpose. But, please, consider saving the library for our residents, for our town.

From: Ellen Reynolds

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