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Archive: Around Town

posticon Green Energy On The Rise With Three New Cornell Solar Farms

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solar cornell600Cornell University's solar farm on Snyder Road in Lansing

Cornell University formally opened three additional solar farms in December that will generate large amounts of electricity and help the campus achieve its carbon neutrality goals.

"We're making substantial, meaningful progress on Cornell's Climate Action Plan – and one way is to obtain more electricity from solar power," said Sarah Zemanick, director of the Campus Sustainability Office.

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posticon Wells College Shout Out On The Today Show

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wells today

Wells College got a 'shout out' from the Today Show's Hoda Kotb on the January 11 morning show. While in New York for an alumni networking event, a number of Wells College staff stopped by the set, where Kotb approached and spoke with them and recorded her shout out.

"Hey, Wells College! I'm wearing red for you," the host said amid cheers, acknowledging the College's official colors and tradition of wearing red on Wednesdays. "We love you at the Today Show." This is the second year that Wells has made an appearance on the morning program.

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posticon Within Reach - Little Venice Restaurant

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Within reachI think I'm a bit like you.

My recreation funds are limited, and if I'm going to spend it on an evening, a meal, or a movie, I kinda want to be sure those funds will be spent wisely. Wasting money on a poor restaurant or a rotten wine just doesn't do – however finding a delightful place with great service and generous servings of excellent fare – that's what makes this column so much fun.

I have passed Little Venice a thousand times. The awning looked nice enough, but the front just didn't look like "my kind of place" – and so I drove by. Over, and over.

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posticon Local Parents Grapple With Kids' Screen Time

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Tech Talk TuesdaysDigital interactions have become an important part of life, especially for young people who are growing up in the digital age.  But how is their average 6.5 non-homework of daily screen hours affecting their concentration, development and off-line relationships?  The Lansing PTSO (Parent Teacher Student organization) sponsored two showings of the film 'Screenagers' by physician Delaney Ruston to kick off an ongoing discussion about the impact of cell phones and other digital devices and activities to engage parents, community members, and students from 4th grade to high school seniors.

"This is the largest parenting issue of our time, and we're all trying to figure it out together." PTSO President Kristen Hopkins said at Monday's Board Of Education meeting. "What better way to do that than to have a conversation about it?  One of the ideas that came out of the documentary was a 'Tech Talk Tuesday'.  That resonated with the Wednesday night audience that I was a part of.  We started that in November and it's been going strong every Tuesday, including during the break, for the last six or seven weeks."

The idea came from the movie, and, indeed, the Screenagers Web site has its own Tech Talk Tuesday, a blog with posts on various topics that cover ideas like when it is appropriate for a child to get his or her first cell phone, how data is inconclusive on how much screen time actually decreases communication skills in real life, and how a parent's comfort level talking to their kids may be the culprit, or how kids deal with rules about using digital devices at home.

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posticon Ithaca Among Best College Towns

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Ithaca ranked 13th best of 415 American college cities and towns in a recent analysis by the financial Web site Wallethub.  The analysis shows that Ithaca is a great place for students, but they'll pay for it.  The city ranked 12th of 202 small cities, ranking high in 'social environment' and 'Academic and economic opportunities, but scored 312th in 'wallet fitness'.  Overall, Ithaca scored 61.57, a high score in the rankings.  The best college town  in America is Oxford, OH, with low scores in all three categories and an overall ranking of 71.11.

"Just as department stores serve as anchors within a mall, a college or university serves as an anchor institution for a city," says Associate Professor if Higher Education and Director of the Center for teaching Excellence at Southern Methodist University Michael S. Harris.  "Higher education institutions serve as a focal point for increasing the education level of the local workforce, home for the arts and culture, and as a source of employment.  Faculty, staff and students provide a strong consumer and support base for local businesses, parks and nonprofits."

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posticon Dear Margaret - Marriage in Limbo

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dearmargaretDear Margaret: My life has taken an unexpected turn and I'm unsure how to proceed. I have taken a job in a new city about 500 miles from our current location, and my wife of twelve years has decided not to make the move with me. Her reasoning is that she has a fulfilling and lucrative job where we are and she feels it's not fair of me to up and ask her to relocate. I'm stunned. I always thought we were of the same mind and I don't know how to react or what to make of this. I haven't wanted to broach the subject of what she thinks this means for our marriage for fear she will tell me it is over. I feel unsteady and need advice on what to do.
Marriage in Limbo
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posticon 500+ Households Receive Warm Winter Clothing

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rotaryclub 120The Ithaca Rotary Club wrapped up its 25th annual Share the Warmth campaign in mid-December. In collaboration with Catholic Charities of Tompkins/Tioga, donations of new or gently used winter clothing were gratefully collected, sorted, and distributed across the area by volunteers from a number of sponsoring partner organizations.

More than 500 Tompkins County households received warm winter clothing through the annual Share the Warmth project. A total of 420 adult coats, 309 children's coats, 189 pairs of boots, and 633 hats were given out, as well as blankets, sweaters, gloves, scarves and other cold weather gear.

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posticon DEC Grant Will Establish Food Scraps Station

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foodscraps 120The Tompkins County Solid Waste Division will soon sign a three year grant contract for a centralized transfer station to accept commercial food scraps at the Recycling and Solid Waste Center in Ithaca. Funding of $355,000 through the New York Department of Environmental Conservation's Climate Smart Communities (CSC) program will go toward the project.

The work will include modifications to the RSWC, including demolition of an existing storage building to be replaced with a 40-foot by 60-foot tipping pad to accept food scraps. It is expected design work will be completed in 2017, with construction taking place in early 2018.

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posticon Lansing Turns 200!

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ludlowville unionschool600Before the current Lansing Central School District was formed Lansing was divided into 23 school districts, each with its own school house. A few of these school houses still exist. The largest is the Ludlowville Union School (district #9), which sits in faded glory on a hill, hidden behind the main street in Ludlowville.

Lansing turns 200 in 2017! Details are sketchy at this point, but town officials are working on special events for later this year. The Lansing Star celebrates all year with a new feature by Lansing's Town Historian Louise Bement, 'Lansing Bicentennial Minute'.
2017 is the bicentennial year of Tompkins County and also the bicentennial year of the Town of Lansing. The Town of Groton is the only other town in Tompkins county that shares this date of origin.

The Town of Lansing was originally part of the Town of Milton which was one of the 28 military townships erected in New York State's wilderness in 1789. The Military Townships were set up and divided into 100 Great Lots of 600 acres each. These large lots were to be given to the Revolutionary soldiers as payment for their service in the war, and The Land Office began making allotments in 1790 with the requirement that actual settlement was to be made within seven years after January 1, 1790. Many of the soldiers, not wanting to 'tame the wilderness', sold their lots. So while we have the names of the original owners, many of them did not become residents in our town.

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posticon Within Reach - Abigail's Restaurant

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Within reachEvery month, the Finger Lakes section of the Professional Photographers of NYS meets at Abigail's Restaurant for our monthly gathering. Besides it being a great meeting facility, we have dinner there when the business of the day is completed.

Located on Rts 5 and 20 in Waterloo, just West of Seneca Falls, Abigail's is an enjoyable restaurant that serves more than food and drink. Of course, they have a full menu of tasty treats from Salmon and Chicken to veal or Eggplant Parmigiana, but their real claim to fame is their wings.

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Lucy

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by Sarah Post

lucy2   Lucy was surrendered to the SPCA with her housemate, Flash, when her people retired and decided to travel. This leaves the two of them desperately looking for a new furr-ever home. She is a beautiful lady who is just a bit shy. Given room and a little time to adjust, we expect Lucy will be a very loving cat with an inner beauty to match her stunning looks. If you have room in your heart and home for this lovely lady or even better, her and her buddy Flash, please visit the main shelter on Hanshaw Road to take them home!

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Code Red Robotics Nearing Build Season

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robotics 120Code Red Robotics, an Ithaca High School student organization, is getting ready for the beginning of its six-week build season, and the start of a brand new robotics challenge. Code Red Robotics is a FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) robotics club, composed of and led by Ithaca High students, with guidance and instruction by teachers and local community mentors.

Each year, in addition to its thousands of hours of community service, Code Red members work together to create a 120 lb. robot, carefully designed and built to play a complex game against other robots. FIRST is the worldwide organization sponsoring competitions for the over 3,000 teams designing and building robots in hopes of winning regional ones and advancing to international competition. Last year, Code Red Robotics won a regional competition in Rochester, NY, and received a $5,000 award for their dedication to furthering STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) in the Ithaca community. This qualified the team to travel to St. Louis, MO, and compete in World Championships. The Ithaca team ranked sixth in its division, and made it to division semi-finals. This was one of the most successful years in the team's history.

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posticon Holiday Recycling Facts

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recyclingDid you know that between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, the EPA estimates Americans toss out 25% more waste than normal. In Tompkins County, be sure to recycle more this holiday season by following these tips:

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